
SAGHS welcomes all who share an interest in family history in West Texas!
San Angelo, Texas circa 1880s
San Angelo, Texas circa 1880s

San Angelo Genealogial and Historical Society invites you to explore our website and consider becoming a member of our society. Founded in 1973, SAGHS supports genealogists living in and researching in the Concho Valley. It is a society for everyone, from the beginner to the most advanced genealogist.

Subscribe to our newsletter HERE.

SAGHS Speaker Series!

March 4 – "Beyond the Index: Discovering Ancestors in Unindexed Records with FamilySearch's Full-Text Search" presented by Susan E. Ball, SAGHS President
One of the most exciting recent developments in genealogy research is FamilySearch’s Full-Text Search for unindexed records. There are millions of records that might include your ancestor’s name, perhaps a maiden name, a parent, or a child, but they are unindexed and difficult to access, appearing in probate and estate records, land deeds, civil case files, and more. Learn how you can now find unindexed names and leverage the power of Full-Text Search to break down your brick walls!
Please note that this meeting has been changed to virtual only format. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. Online access starts at 6:50 p.m. with audience interaction and questions. Visitors are welcome! For more information, contact info@saghs-tx.org.
Learn more about Susan on our speaker bio page.
To register for virtual attendance, click HERE. Preregistration is required to attend virtually.
Having trouble during the meeting with video or audio? For troubleshooting tips, click HEREIf you haven't attended a virtual meeting before, click HERE for a few registration and set-up tips.

Beyond the Basics

Take your genealogy research to the next level!
Explore additional tools for genealogy research in Ancestry, FamilySearch, and Heritage Quest plus learn how to use WorldCat, Cyndi's List, and much more. Class leader Lisa Mahler will also address tips for how to stay organized. Computer skills are helpful to succeed in the class.
Sign up now – the class size is limited by the number of computers available.
  • Saturday, February 8 | 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • Stephens Central Library - Downtown
  • 33 W. Beauregard St., San Angelo
Register at the Tom Green County library by clicking HERE. Click on the word "Book" to reserve  your spot. For help, contact the library at 325-655-7321.

Help Session & Research Afternoon

Spend an afternoon at the West Texas Collection in the Mayer Museum researching your ancestry among the many resources available online and in print. SAGHS volunteers will be on hand to answer questions and demonstrate how to access the surprisingly extensive library of genealogy records. Start drafting your research list now, and save the date!
  • Where: West Texas Collection, Meyer Museum, 2501 W. Avenue N in the Mayer Museum
  • When: Saturday, February 15, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • What to bring: laptop, charging cable, and research questions

UPDATE! Speaker Series Has New Topics

Sharlene Miller, VP for Programs, has announced exciting new Speaker Series topics for March, April, and May. Don't miss these outstanding presentations!
  • March 4: "Beyond the Index: Discovering Ancestors in Unindexed Records with FamilySearch's Full-Text Search" presented by Susan E. Ball (Virtual only)
  • April 1: "Unraveling Ancestral Mysteries:  Identifying some of  Mary Ann Rucker’s Ancestors Using DNA and Traditional Methods" presented by Sharlene Miller (In person and virtual)
  • May 6: "Navigating the Southwest Collection: Accessing Digitized Archives for Genealogy and Research" presented by Austin Allison (In person and virtual)
All of these meetings will be available in-person and virtually. See the Speaker Series page for more information and to register for virtual attendance. There is no need to register for in-person attendance.

Members-Only Webinars

We just posted Katherine Schober's January presentation on German genealogy research:
  • 7 Essential Tips for Getting Started in German Genealogy by Katherine Schober (January 7, 2025)
Don't wait to view this presentation - it's only available until February 20, 2025!
We now have 42 webinars, most with downloadable handouts. Did you miss a presentation or want to see it again? Here's your chance to view and review these outstanding topics. Just log-in by clicking "Members Only" in the left side menu. Not a member? Join or renew today!
Download a list of currently available webinars HERE.

Wanted: Concho Valley Pioneers

SAGHS is building a file of Concho Valley pioneers, and we want to include your pioneer ancestor! Jan Shannon, our Pioneer Certificate Manager, will help with your certificate application.
Along with your receiving  your Pioneer Certificate, your Concho Valley pioneer and lineage will be included in a future issue of our quarterly journal, Stalkin Kin in Old West Texas!
Contact Jan Shannon (e-mail). Certificates make a great gift!

Digital Stalkin' Kin

Do you have issues of our quarterly journal, Stalkin' Kin in Old West Texas, piling up? Would you like to have future editions delivered to your email inbox? Sign up for the Digital Edition of the Stalkin Kin and enjoy the same great quarterly on your computer or tablet - a plus is that it will now be in color and web links are active!
Click HERE  to begin your digital subscription. Remember, the Stalkin' Kin is free to all paid members and is one of your many member benefits. You can return to us any Stalkin' Kins you no longer need at any of our in-person meetings.

Upcoming Events
February 15th
Genealogy Help Session / Research Afternoon at the WTC
Join us at the West Texas Collection to research your family history with the help of SAGHS volunteers. Bring your questions and we will try to help. Spend an afternoon with us sharing your passion for genealogy sleuthing!
March 4th
SAGHS Speaker Series (Hybrid)
"Beyond the Index: Discovering Ancestors in Unindexed Records with FamilySearch's Full-Text Search" presented by Susan E. Ball Learn how you can now find unindexed names and leverage the power of FamilySearch's Full-Text Search to break down your brick walls! See the Speaker Series Page and the Speaker Bios page ...
April 1st
SAGHS Speaker Series (Hybrid)
"Unraveling Ancestral Mysteries:  Identifying some of  Mary Ann Rucker’s Ancestors Using DNA and Traditional Methods" presented by Sharlene Miller Discover through three case studies how DNA testing can break down genealogical brick walls! See the Speaker Series Page and the Speaker Bios page for more information about the topic ...